Andy & stephanie Lee
Senior Pastors
We met at Free Will Baptist Bible College (now Welch College) in Nashville, TN, in 2000. We married in July, 2001, and remained in Nashville for several years. Our sons, Caleb and Jack, were born in Nashville in 2004 and 2007, respectively. In April of 2008, we moved to Southern Illinois to be closer to Andy’s family, and in May of that year, Whiteash selected us as their pastor. We have a deep love for the people of this church, and we thank God every day for the opportunities He has given us to serve this wonderful church body. It has been absolutely amazing to see the wonderful things God has done in and through Whiteash church the last several years, and we can’t wait to see how the church will grow and be used by God in the future. No church is perfect, but Whiteash is a wonderful church to be a part of, and we are blessed to serve as pastors.

associate pastors
Dave is a retired bridge builder from a construction company. But I am building bridges for God. Also, if there's any need I can help with please, let me know. I have been blessed with a beautiful family. My wife, 4 children and several grandchildren. God has truly blessed us.

Eric & Chrissy Holmes
Youth Pastors
Eric has been teaching and working with youth for over 16 years. Him and his wife, Chrissy, are currently our Awana Commanders. They have ran this program for the children of Whiteash for 10 years. Eric and a team of dedicated leaders minister to children using the Awana program on Sunday mornings to help children know, love & serve Jesus Christ. He also teaches a youth service on Wednesday nights. Eric and Chrissy have 4 children of their own, one of which is married and has their first grandchild.

Justin & Dawn Hancock
Youth Pastors
Justin has been teaching and working with youth at churches for over 15 years and has been in his current role at Whiteash for more than seven years. He leads youth services on Sunday nights at 6pm to help teens grow in their faith and walk closer with God. He is the master of lame games. Justin is raising 3 daughters with his wonderful wife, Dawn, and is shocked at how fast they all grow up.